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2020 Presidential Race Biden Maintains Lead Trump Trails

2020 Presidential Race: Biden Maintains Lead, Trump Trails

Latest Fox News Poll Shows Biden Up Two Points

According to the latest Fox News poll, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are neck-and-neck in the race for the White House. Biden leads Trump by two points, 58% to 40%, among likely voters.

Biden Leads by 18 Points in Latest Fox News Poll

The poll, which was conducted from May 19-21, shows a three-point swing since the network's May survey. In that survey, Biden led Trump by just one point, 50% to 49%. The latest poll also shows that Biden has extended his lead on Trump in the key swing states of Florida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Trump Trails by Two Points in Overall Race

In the overall race, Biden now leads Trump by two points, 51% to 49%, according to a RealClearPolitics average of polls. This is a slight increase from Biden's one-point lead in the RCP average last week.

The Fox News poll is an outlier, as most other recent polls have shown Biden leading Trump by a larger margin. However, the poll is still within the margin of error, and it is possible that the race could tighten as we get closer to the election.
